Cloud Computing Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Cloud Computing - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Module 1. Introduction
Module 2. Manage Azure AD objects
- create users and groups
- manage user and group properties
- manage device settings
- perform bulk user updates
- manage guest accounts
- configure Azure AD Join
- configure self-service password reset
Module 3. Manage role-based access control (RBAC)
- create a custom role
- Provide access to Azure resources by assigning roles
- resource groups
- resources (VM, disk, etc.)
- interpret access assignments
- manage multiple directories
Module 4. Manage subscriptions and governance
- configure Azure policies
- configure resource locks
- apply tags
- manage subscriptions
- configure Cost Management
- configure management groups
Module 5. Manage storage accounts
- configure network access to storage accounts
- create and configure storage accounts
- generate shared access signature
- manage access keys
- implement Azure storage replication
- Configure Azure AD Authentication for a storage Account
Module 6. Manage data in Azure storage
- Export from Azure Job
- import into Azure job
- install and use Azure Storage Explorer
- copy data by using AZCopy
Module 7. Configure Azure files and Azure blob storage
- create an Azure file share
- create and configure Azure File Sync service
- configure Azure blob storage
- configure storage tiers for Azure blobs
Module 8. Configure VMs for high availability and scalability
- configure high availability
- deploy and configure scale sets
- Automate deployment and configuration of VMs
- modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template
- configure VHD template
- deploy from template
- save a deployment as an ARM template
- Automate Configuration Management
Module 9. Create and configure VMs
- configure Azure Disk Encryption
- move VMs from one resource group to another
- manage VM sizes
- add data discs
- configure networking
- redeploy VMs
Module 10. Create and configure Containers
- create and configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- create and configure Azure Container Instances (ACI)
Module 11. Create and configure Web Apps
- create and configure App Service
- create and configure App Service Plans
Module 12. Implement and manage virtual networking
- create and configure VNET peering
- configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network
Module 13. Configure name resolution
- configure Azure DNS
- configure custom DNS settings
- Configure a private or public DNS
Module 14. None Secure access to Virtual Network
- create security rules
- associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface
- evaluate effective security rules
- deploy and configure Azure Firewall
- deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
Module 15. Configure load balancing
- configure Application Gateway
- configure an internal load balancer
- configure load balancing rules
- configure a public load balancer
- troubleshoot load balancing
Module 16. Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking
- monitor on-premises connectivity
- use Network Performance Monitor
- use Network Watcher
- troubleshoot external networking
- troubleshoot virtual network connectivity
Module 17. Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network
- create and configure Azure VPN Gateway
- create and configure VPNs
- configure ExpressRoute
- configure Azure Virtual WAN
Module 18. Monitor resources by using Azure Monitor
- configure and interpret metrics
- a analyze metrics across subscriptions
- configure Log Analytics
- query and analyses logs create a query
- set up alerts and actions
- Create and test alerts
- View alerts in Azure
- configure Application Insights
Module 19. Implement backup and recovery
- configure and review backup reports
- perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup
- create a Recovery Services Vault
- create and configure backup policy
- perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
AWS Technical Essentials
- Introduction and History of AWS
- AWS Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, Networking
- AWS Security, Identification and Access Management
- AWS Database
- AWS Management Tools
Virtual Private Cloud
- Introduction to Network Switches & Virtual Private Cloud
- VPC & Subnets
- Private and Public Subnets
- Internet Gateways, VPC Peering & NAT Gateways
- VPN Setup
- IP Addressing in AWS
Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling
- Components and types of load balancing
- Auto scaling and its benefits
- Life cycle of auto scaling
- Components and policies of auto scaling
- Assignment : Configure Load Balancer, Auto scaling as per utilization in different situations
- Introduction to Block & Object storage mechanism
- Introduction to Elastic Block Store - EBS
- EBS Snapshots
- EBS Volume Types
- Instance Store Volumes
- Introduction to Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Features of S3
- Storage Types
- Static Website Hosting
- Versioning
- Life Cycle Policy
- Cross Region Replication
- Encryption
- Basics of Athena
- Introduction to EFS
- Connect a drive via network
- Share the drive among multiple servers
Amazon EC2
- EC2 Overview
- Amazon Machine Images(AMI)
- AMI creation
- Security groups
- Key pairs
- Assigning elastic IP address
- Elastic IP v/s Public IP
- Bootstrap Scripts
- Overview of Amazon EBSEBS Volume intro
- EBS vs Instance Store
- Upgrading EBS volume
- Management Tools Cloud
- Trail Cloud
- Watch Cloud
- Formation Trusted Advisor
- Assignment - Creating EC2, Various login ways from different OS, putty and putty keygen use, Assigning EIP, AMI assignment, Creating and restoring snapshot, snapshot to AMI, EC2Bootstrapping, Cloud formation & Cloud Watch assignments.
Identity & Access Management
- Understanding the IAM Policies
- IAM User, IAM Policy and IAM Role
- Introduction to Relational Databases
- Creating our first database structure in MySQL
- Getting started with DynamoDB
- Know about ElastiCache, Redshift
Domain Name System
- Introduction to DNS
- Understanding DNS Records
- Introduction to Route53
- Register a Domain using Route 53
- Manage DNS Hosts
Serverless Computing
- Serverless Introduction
- Lambda
- Setting up Server Auto Start with a Lambda Function
- Elastic Beanstalk
- Host a Sample PHP website using Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Encryptions
- AWS Security
- KMS Overview
- SSM Parameter Store
- Could
Migration Service and Disaster Recovery
- Database Migration Services
- DataSync Overview
- AWS Backups
- Understanding CloudWatch
- Setup Alarms for Matrix changes
- Auditing AWS environment with CloudTrail
- Schedule Event Rules using Target based services
-AWS Certification Exam Readiness Workshop Solutions Architect Associate Level
- Testing center information and expectations
- Examination Review and Structure
- Content domains and query breakdown
- Topics and concepts with content domains
- Question structure and interpretation techniques
- Post Class - Practice Exam Questions
- 01 including the actual exam voucher
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
Module 1: Overview Cloud & Google Cloud Platform
- Cloud overview & Characteristics
- Cloud Service Model (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS)
- Cloud Deployment Model (Public, Private, Hybrid)
- Google Cloud Plateform (GCP) Infrastructure Overview
- Create GCP Account & Console Overview
- Organizations, Folder, Project, Resource & Billing
- Google Cloud Architecture Framework
Module 2: Virtual Machines
- Compute Engine (VM): Types & Options
- VM Instance Lifecycle & Common Operations
- Machine Types & Compute Options (VCPU And Memory) In Compute Engine
- Images & Snapshots
- Disk Types: Local SSD, Persistent & Balanced
Module 3: Virtual Networks
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) & Types, Subnets
- Ip Addresses (Public/Private), Nic
- Routes & Route Table
- Firewalls
- Network Topology Options
Module 4: Cloud IAM
- IAM Basic: Authentication, Authorization & MFA
- Roles, Members, Service Account, Policy
- Resource Hierarchy
- Cloud IAM Best Practices
Module 5: Data Storage Services
- Google Cloud Storage Overview & Structure
- Storage Classes, Versioning & Lifecycle Policies
- Cloud SQL For Database (MySQL, Postgresql and SQL Server)
- Cloud Spanner: Fully Managed Relational DB
- Cloud Datastore
- Cloud Bigtable: NOSQL Big Data Service
Module 6: App Engine, Functions, Cloud Run
- App Engine: Serverless Web Apps
- App Engine Environments: Standard Vs Flexible
- Cloud Functions: Events & Triggers
- Cloud Run: Serverless Containers
Module 7: Resource Management
- Cloud Resource Manager Overview
- Quotas, Labels, Names & Billing
Module 8: Resource Monitoring
- Stackdriver: Cloud Monitoring & Logging
- Logging, Error Reporting, Tracing, Debugging
Module 9: Interconnecting Networks
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) & Its Types
- VPC Peering (Public & Private)
- Cloud DNS, Cloud Interconnect & Cloud Router
Module 10: Load Balancing & Autoscaling
- Load Balancing Types: Internal, External, Global & Regional
- Https, Network, SSL & TCP Load Balancers
- Cross-Region and Content-Based Load Balancing
- Autoscaling Policies & Configuration
Module 11: Google Kubernetes Engine
- Microservices, Containers, Docker & Kubernetes
- GCP Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Understand the Relationship
Between Kubernetes
and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) - Kubernetes Architecture : Clusters, Node, Node Pools, Pods, Services
- Deploy & Manage Workloads on GKE
Module 12: Maintenance & Monitoring
- Capacity Planning and Cost Optimization
- Deployment, Monitoring and Alerting, And Incident Response
- Monitoring and Alerting
Module 13: Cloud Migrations
- Understanding Migration Used Cases
- Understanding Migration Tools and Process
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates