Cloud Computing Training by Experts


Our Training Process

Cloud Computing - Syllabus, Fees & Duration

Module 1. Introduction

Module 2. Manage Azure AD objects

  • create users and groups
  • manage user and group properties
  • manage device settings
  • perform bulk user updates
  • manage guest accounts
  • configure Azure AD Join
  • configure self-service password reset

Module 3. Manage role-based access control (RBAC)

  • create a custom role
  • Provide access to Azure resources by assigning roles
    1. resource groups
    2. resources (VM, disk, etc.)
  • interpret access assignments
  • manage multiple directories

Module 4. Manage subscriptions and governance

  • configure Azure policies
  • configure resource locks
  • apply tags
  • manage subscriptions
  • configure Cost Management
  • configure management groups

Module 5. Manage storage accounts

  • configure network access to storage accounts
  • create and configure storage accounts
  • generate shared access signature
  • manage access keys
  • implement Azure storage replication
  • Configure Azure AD Authentication for a storage Account

Module 6. Manage data in Azure storage

  • Export from Azure Job
  • import into Azure job
  • install and use Azure Storage Explorer
  • copy data by using AZCopy

Module 7. Configure Azure files and Azure blob storage

  • create an Azure file share
  • create and configure Azure File Sync service
  • configure Azure blob storage
  • configure storage tiers for Azure blobs

Module 8. Configure VMs for high availability and scalability

  • configure high availability
  • deploy and configure scale sets
  • Automate deployment and configuration of VMs
  • modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template
  • configure VHD template
  • deploy from template
  • save a deployment as an ARM template
  • Automate Configuration Management

Module 9. Create and configure VMs

  • configure Azure Disk Encryption
  • move VMs from one resource group to another
  • manage VM sizes
  • add data discs
  • configure networking
  • redeploy VMs

Module 10. Create and configure Containers

  • create and configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • create and configure Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Module 11. Create and configure Web Apps

  • create and configure App Service
  • create and configure App Service Plans

Module 12. Implement and manage virtual networking

  • create and configure VNET peering
  • configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network

Module 13. Configure name resolution

  • configure Azure DNS
  • configure custom DNS settings
  • Configure a private or public DNS

Module 14. None Secure access to Virtual Network

  • create security rules
  • associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface
  • evaluate effective security rules
  • deploy and configure Azure Firewall
  • deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service

Module 15. Configure load balancing

  • configure Application Gateway
  • configure an internal load balancer
  • configure load balancing rules
  • configure a public load balancer
  • troubleshoot load balancing

Module 16. Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking

  • monitor on-premises connectivity
  • use Network Performance Monitor
  • use Network Watcher
  • troubleshoot external networking
  • troubleshoot virtual network connectivity

Module 17. Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network

  • create and configure Azure VPN Gateway
  • create and configure VPNs
  • configure ExpressRoute
  • configure Azure Virtual WAN

Module 18. Monitor resources by using Azure Monitor

  • configure and interpret metrics
  • a analyze metrics across subscriptions
  • configure Log Analytics
  • query and analyses logs create a query
  • set up alerts and actions
  • Create and test alerts
  • View alerts in Azure
  • configure Application Insights

Module 19. Implement backup and recovery

  • configure and review backup reports
  • perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup
  • create a Recovery Services Vault
  • create and configure backup policy
  • perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery

Syllabus -> Microsoft Azure
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
IT Courses / Internship

AWS Technical Essentials

  • Introduction and History of AWS
  • AWS Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, Networking
  • AWS Security, Identification and Access Management
  • AWS Database
  • AWS Management Tools

Virtual Private Cloud

  • Introduction to Network Switches & Virtual Private Cloud
  • VPC & Subnets
  • Private and Public Subnets
  • Internet Gateways, VPC Peering & NAT Gateways
  • VPN Setup
  • IP Addressing in AWS

Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling

  • Components and types of load balancing
  • Auto scaling and its benefits
  • Life cycle of auto scaling
  • Components and policies of auto scaling
  • Assignment : Configure Load Balancer, Auto scaling as per utilization in different situations


  • Introduction to Block & Object storage mechanism
  • Introduction to Elastic Block Store - EBS
  • EBS Snapshots
  • EBS Volume Types
  • Instance Store Volumes
  • Introduction to Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Features of S3
  • Storage Types
  • Static Website Hosting
  • Versioning
  • Life Cycle Policy
  • Cross Region Replication
  • Encryption
  • Basics of Athena
  • Introduction to EFS
  • Connect a drive via network
  • Share the drive among multiple servers

Amazon EC2

  • EC2 Overview
  • Amazon Machine Images(AMI)
  • AMI creation
  • Security groups
  • Key pairs
  • Assigning elastic IP address
  • Elastic IP v/s Public IP
  • Bootstrap Scripts
  • Overview of Amazon EBSEBS Volume intro
  • EBS vs Instance Store
  • Upgrading EBS volume
  • Management Tools Cloud
  • Trail Cloud
  • Watch Cloud
  • Formation Trusted Advisor
  • Assignment - Creating EC2, Various login ways from different OS, putty and putty keygen use, Assigning EIP, AMI assignment, Creating and restoring snapshot, snapshot to AMI, EC2Bootstrapping, Cloud formation & Cloud Watch assignments.

Identity & Access Management

  • Understanding the IAM Policies
  • IAM User, IAM Policy and IAM Role


  • Introduction to Relational Databases
  • Creating our first database structure in MySQL
  • Getting started with DynamoDB
  • Know about ElastiCache, Redshift

Domain Name System

  • Introduction to DNS
  • Understanding DNS Records
  • Introduction to Route53
  • Register a Domain using Route 53
  • Manage DNS Hosts

Serverless Computing

  • Serverless Introduction
  • Lambda
  • Setting up Server Auto Start with a Lambda Function
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Host a Sample PHP website using Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Encryptions

  • AWS Security
  • KMS Overview
  • SSM Parameter Store
  • Could
  • HSM

Migration Service and Disaster Recovery

  • Database Migration Services
  • DataSync Overview
  • AWS Backups


  • Understanding CloudWatch
  • Setup Alarms for Matrix changes
  • Auditing AWS environment with CloudTrail
  • Schedule Event Rules using Target based services

-AWS Certification Exam Readiness Workshop Solutions Architect Associate Level

  • Testing center information and expectations
  • Examination Review and Structure
  • Content domains and query breakdown
  • Topics and concepts with content domains
  • Question structure and interpretation techniques
  • Post Class - Practice Exam Questions
  • 01 including the actual exam voucher

Syllabus -> AWS
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
IT Courses / Internship

Module 1: Overview Cloud & Google Cloud Platform

  • Cloud overview & Characteristics
  • Cloud Service Model (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS)
  • Cloud Deployment Model (Public, Private, Hybrid)
  • Google Cloud Plateform (GCP) Infrastructure Overview
  • Create GCP Account & Console Overview
  • Organizations, Folder, Project, Resource & Billing
  • Google Cloud Architecture Framework

Module 2: Virtual Machines

  • Compute Engine (VM): Types & Options
  • VM Instance Lifecycle & Common Operations
  • Machine Types & Compute Options (VCPU And Memory) In Compute Engine
  • Images & Snapshots
  • Disk Types: Local SSD, Persistent & Balanced

Module 3: Virtual Networks

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) & Types, Subnets
  • Ip Addresses (Public/Private), Nic
  • Routes & Route Table
  • Firewalls
  • Network Topology Options

Module 4: Cloud IAM

  • IAM Basic: Authentication, Authorization & MFA
  • Roles, Members, Service Account, Policy
  • Resource Hierarchy
  • Cloud IAM Best Practices

Module 5: Data Storage Services

  • Google Cloud Storage Overview & Structure
  • Storage Classes, Versioning & Lifecycle Policies
  • Cloud SQL For Database (MySQL, Postgresql and SQL Server)
  • Cloud Spanner: Fully Managed Relational DB
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Bigtable: NOSQL Big Data Service

Module 6: App Engine, Functions, Cloud Run

  • App Engine: Serverless Web Apps
  • App Engine Environments: Standard Vs Flexible
  • Cloud Functions: Events & Triggers
  • Cloud Run: Serverless Containers

Module 7: Resource Management

  • Cloud Resource Manager Overview
  • Quotas, Labels, Names & Billing

Module 8: Resource Monitoring

  • Stackdriver: Cloud Monitoring & Logging
  • Logging, Error Reporting, Tracing, Debugging

Module 9: Interconnecting Networks

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) & Its Types
  • VPC Peering (Public & Private)
  • Cloud DNS, Cloud Interconnect & Cloud Router

Module 10: Load Balancing & Autoscaling

  • Load Balancing Types: Internal, External, Global & Regional
  • Https, Network, SSL & TCP Load Balancers
  • Cross-Region and Content-Based Load Balancing
  • Autoscaling Policies & Configuration

Module 11: Google Kubernetes Engine

  • Microservices, Containers, Docker & Kubernetes
  • GCP Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Understand the Relationship Between Kubernetes
    and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Kubernetes Architecture : Clusters, Node, Node Pools, Pods, Services
  • Deploy & Manage Workloads on GKE

Module 12: Maintenance & Monitoring

  • Capacity Planning and Cost Optimization
  • Deployment, Monitoring and Alerting, And Incident Response
  • Monitoring and Alerting

Module 13: Cloud Migrations

  • Understanding Migration Used Cases
  • Understanding Migration Tools and Process

Syllabus -> Google Cloud Platform
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
IT Courses / Internship

Cloud Computing Jobs in Toronto

Enjoy the demand

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  • microsoft azure expert
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  • server administrator

Cloud Computing Internship/Course Details

Cloud Computing internship jobs in Toronto
Cloud Computing This technology is easy to use and wide available, with several IT giants absorbing massive chunks of the market share. Cloud platforms are seeing a much better adoption rate due to their ability to store data and provide merely accessible services. Amazon web Service is Amazon. It provides high storage which can be used as independent or combinable. Google complies with numerous international security standards and makes sure that your data is your data and no one differently will access it, regardless of what. AWS cloud platform provides several benefits to the business. AWS Mobile Hub supports you to access appropriate and agreeable feature for your application. Google Cloud Platform or GCP refers to a bunch of public cloud services that's gettable by Google to consumer enterprises. com, which has a cloud computing platform. many services offered that area unit affordable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to businesses with serious traffic.

Meet a Few of our Industry Experts 🚀 Your Pathway to IT Career


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Madhya Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: M Com

Experience: Manual Testing - Advance Regression Testing - Advance Jira - Advance Selenium IDE - Beginner Automation testing - Beginner  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bsc computer science

Experience: C c++ java python web designing django testing using selenium in python   more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Himachal Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MA ENGLISH, B.Ed

Experience: With 10 years of experience in the teaching field my skills as an English teacher are well-developed and finely honed  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Rajasthan, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA

Experience: Wordpress development html bootstrap css javascript woocommerce html5 bootstrap 4 5  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA

Experience: I have one year experience in software development of python full stack I am MCA graduated person in the year  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Andhra Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: btech

Experience: python and java and iam a quick learner and having problem solving skills good colloboration and fluent english speaking and  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bachelor of Arts - English literature

Experience: With more than 300+ articles published and ranked on the Google Bing Yahoo and Other search engines I have a  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: West Bengal, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.Tech

Experience: Dart flutter Java Android   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BBA

Experience: Task management Experience of working as a tester or in a similar position Ability to manage projects Understanding of regression  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Uttar Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.Tech (CS)

Experience: I currently working as intern at Bridghlabz solutions pvt Ltd as python developer I have good knowledge about Python I  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Bhopal, Online (Toronto)

Experience: Node js express javascript MongoDB react js c++ SQL Bootstrap CSS HTMLApplication for Node JS  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Chhattisgarh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: mtech

Experience: writer seo autocad solidworks etc  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BCA

Experience: I'm a fresher with a knowledge of Manual testing And im an fast learner |   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Andhra Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Btech

Experience: Hi this is Prasad Pitta I have 2 Years experience in Infosys as a System Engineer i have knowledge on  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Arni, Tamilnadu, India, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B. Tech(IT)

Experience: I am a Fresher and well known python developerApplication for Python Django  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA

Experience: I am already completed python internship in shiash info tech solution in chennai and I know python and django i  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: M. sc. Physics

Experience: Good knowledge in manual testing SQL Methodology Softwares like Jira Basic knowledge in programming langauages |   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Mtech

Experience: Manual testing api SQL automation  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BSC IT Graduation

Experience: I have skills in software testing and looking for the opportunity in software testing for my career growth  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Gujarat, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.E In Information Technology

Experience: Learn something new about technology SQL developer  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Karnataka, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bsc

Experience: I worked in computer typing and I have knowledge in computer and I have interested in design work and different  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MSc. Electronic Science

Experience: Manual testing Automation testing Selenium sql TestNG Microsoft excel PowerPoint Word | Resume for   more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Diploma in computer engineering

Experience: I have an experience of 1 year in Software tester at third eye incorporation I was done GUI Testing Regression  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Amravati, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BE

Experience: react redux javaScript html css chakra-ui  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Noida, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA

Experience: I am Fresher and looking for a job Skills :- Software testing python OOps HTML CSS | Resume for   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Telangana, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B-Tech

Experience: Wordpress Woocomerce Elementor HTML CSS JS PHP I have been working in outright Creators for past 1 year as a  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.E mechanical

Experience: Manual testing Automation testing Selenium IDE Selenium Webdriver Jira work management tool Black box testing debugging Bug Reporting |   more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Telangana, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.Tech

Experience: Hello this is Saikiran I have a very good knowledge in mechanical design softwares I knew Solidworks CATIA AutoCAD And  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Patna, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B tech

Experience: python HTML  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Andhra Pradesh, Online (Toronto)

Experience: Hi I hv overall 4 year's of experience information security testing and I have more exp web applications and I  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Telangana, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Post graduation

Experience: White box black box agile sdlc stlc frame works maven cucumber functional testing |   more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MTech

Experience: python sql machine learning scikit-learn numpy scipy matplotlib pandas linear-regression logistic-regression decisiontrees random-forest adaboost xgboost hierarchical-clustering k-means  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Post Graduate

Experience: Basic compuet knowledge including excel word PPT Basics of Python programming language  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Thoothoor , Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BCA

Experience: I have completed Python full stack development in network system in marthandam I did a project called Todo list using  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Gujarat, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.E in computer engineering

Experience: With 1 7 years of experience in Flutter development I have honed my skills in creating robust and scalable cross-platform  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Karnataka, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BE Mech

Experience: Manual testing MySql Core Java STLC Process SDLC Process Functional testing regression testing big life cycle communication skills beta testing  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bca

Experience: I complete a python fullstack course from inmakes learning hud during the training I complete a E-commerce web sit as  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Chinchwad Tal-karveer district-kolhapur, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA computer science

Experience: Java SQL Manual testing Automation Testing seleniumApplication for Software Testing  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Ooty, The Nilgiris, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: M.phil in English Literature and Language

Experience: One year of experience in Content writing developing editing advertising and web developing at KPR college of arts science and  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B. E

Experience: 3 6 years of experience in Android application development using java and Kotlin Worked as a single developer to release  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BCA

Experience: API testing web application testing  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Assam, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bachelors

Experience: I am an undergraduate student pursuing a BA (Hons) in English with experience in research papers on various literary topics  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Himachal Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BA

Experience: Here is some information about me in a nutshell I am a training and development specialist with twenty years of  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: BACHELOR BCom

Experience: Skills Front-End Development: Proficient in HTML HTML5 CSS CSS3 (including Flexbox and Grid) and JavaScript for creating clean structured and  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Kochi, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Btech

Experience: Digital marketing and seo   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Salem , Tamilnadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.E.Computer science

Experience: Full stack developer react js front end back end well known marketing Market advisor  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Telangana, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.Tech in computer science engineering

Experience: Java python SQL HTML CSS AWS devops Azure Jenkins debugging Linux Deployed a node js application on AWS elastic beanstalk  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Maharashtra, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Post graduation diploma in cybersecurity

Experience: I am fresher I have hands on experience with web applications and basic understanding of network I have performed testing  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Delhi, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: MCA

Experience: I have completed software testing course from q spiders noida Application for Software Testing  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Tamil Nadu, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: B.e

Experience: Html css javascript bootstrap SQL python and django Intern in Sustainable development and coding as web developer and Globallogic worked  more..


Mobile: +91 8301010866
Location: Telangana, Online (Toronto)

Experience: Javascript- 4 years html-4 years css-4 years bootstrap-4 years react js-4 years redux-4 years dom-4 years hooks-4 years  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: mathematics

Experience: Experience:Internship Currently I am doing a internship in python django full stack at Luminar Technolab Kakkanad  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Basti Uttar Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Bsc Graduate

Experience: I have 2 years Experience in WordPress Website Development & Front End Development Skills ~ Html css js jQuery bootstrap  more..


Mobile: +91 89210 61945
Location: Andhra Pradesh, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: M.Tech

Experience: I have six months of experience in software testing  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: West Bengal, Online (Toronto)

Experience: php ajajx jqurey (bassic) css html JavaScript boostrap  more..


Mobile: +91 98474 90866
Location: Pune, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: M-Tech in cse

Experience: I'm looking for job in software development domain I have 1 7 year of experience in software development and skills  more..


Mobile: +91 9895490866
Location: Kerala, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Under Graduate

Experience: My background encompasses proficiency in various programming languages and technologies notably Python Django Java Angular HTML CSS JavaScript SQL and  more..


Mobile: +91 9446600368
Location: Gujarat, Online (Toronto)

Experience: Pen tool 3d design branding vector art app design in figma webpage design typography |   more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Karimnagar, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: Btech(CSE)

Experience: I have learnt testing in our academics I don't have any special experience but am ready to do it and  more..


Mobile: +91 91884 77559
Location: Karnataka, Online (Toronto)
Qualification: bachelors

Experience: Here's a list of 200 graphic design software tools: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator CorelDRAW Affinity Designer Sketch Inkscape GIMP Adobe  more..

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