DevOps Training by Experts
Our Training Process

DevOps - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
DevOps Overview
- Waterfall, Agile and DevOps
- DevOps (What, Why, Benefits)
- Overview – CICD
AWS Fundamentals
- Physical and Virtual Servers
- Public/Private Cloud Computing
- AWS/Azure/GCP (OV)
- Benefits of Cloud Computing
- Pricing and Usage Policy
- IAM Service
- EC2 Service
- RDS Service
- Cloud Storages
- Elastic IP, CloudFront and ELB (OV)
- AWS Free Tier Account Creation
- IAM User Creation
- EC2 Instance Creation
- Security Group Configuration
- Creation of database using RDS
- Connecting Ec2 Instance
- Connecting database
- Creation of S3 storage
Linux Fundamentals
- Linux
- Linux Architecture
- Linux Distributions
- Basic Linux Commands
- File Permission Management
- User Creation
- Shell Scripts
- SSH and VI Utility
- Creation of User
- Establishing SSH Connection to the Server
- File creation and Manipulation using VI editor
- Managing permissions
- Basic commands execution
- Writing Shell Scripts Program
Java Concepts
Build Tools – Maven
Git and GitHub
- Version Control System
- Central vs Distributed Version Control System
- Introduction to Git
- Installation and setting up Git
- Important Git Commands
- Creating and Managing git Repositories
- Branching, Merging, Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting and Resetting
- Introduction to GitHub
- Managing Remote Repositories
- Installation and Configuration of git
- Creating Git Repositories
- Demonstrating various Git repositories
- Merging Branches and Managing merge conflicts
- Stashing, Reverting, Rebasing and Resetting
- Collaborating local and remote repositories
Jenkins :-
- Overview of Continuous Integration
- Difference between Continuous vs Traditional Integration
- Overview of Jenkins
- Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
- Jenkins Installation and Configuration
- Jenkins Plugins
- Jenkins Management
- Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
- Scripted and Declarative Pipelines
- Configuring Slave Node to Jenkins
Practical :
- Installation and Configuration of Jenkins
- Configuration of Tools
- Configuration of Plugins
- Creation of Freestyle Jobs, scripted and declarative pipeline jobs
- Demonstrate pipeline triggering using GitHub webhooks
- Scripted and Declarative pipelines
- Integration of Code Coverage Tools and Static Code analysis tools
- Triggering pipelines using Git Web Hooks
- Creation of CICD pipelines
- Adding slave node to Jenkins
Docker, and Docker Hub
- Introduction to Virtualization and Containerization
- What is Containerization
- Docker Architecture
- Docker Hub (OV)
- Docker Installation
- Docker Commands
- Container Modes
- Port Binding
- Docker file
- Managing Docker Images
- Running and Managing Containers
- Docker Volume
- Docker Compose
- Overview of Docker Swarm
Practical :
- Installation of Docker and Docker Compose on AWS EC2
- Running Docker Commands
- Writing Docker Files for various applications
- Building Docker Images
- Pushing Images to Docker Hub
- Running Docker Containers
- Container Port Binding
- Running multiple containers using Docker Compose file
- Persisting container data using Docker Volume
- Initialize a docker swarm and demonstrate workload deployments
- Overview of Container Orchestration
- Different between Docker swarm and Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Installation of Kubernetes – Minikube and EKS
- Kubernetes Nodes
- Kubernetes Pods
- Kubernetes Deployments
- Rolling updates and rollbacks
- Scaling up and down of the application
- Services in Kubernetes
- Installation and configuration of Kubernetes Minikube
- Creation of Pods and Deployments using ad-hoc Commands
- Creation of Pods and Deployments using YAML files
- Scaling up and Scaling Down of the application
- Rolling out Deployments and Rolling Back
- Creation of Services Configuration Automation using Ansible
- Overview of Configuration Automation
- Introduction to Ansible
- Ansible Architecture
- Components of Ansible
- Installation and Configuration of Ansible
- Ansible ad-hoc commands
- Ansible Playbooks
- Ansible Variables
- Ansible Handlers
- Ansible Role using Ansible Galaxy
- Installation and Configuration Ansible
- Running Ansible ad-hoc commands.
- Writing Ansible Playbooks to Configure Servers
- Creating Ansible Roles
- Introduction to Terraform
- Terraform Vs Ansible
- Terraform Architecture
- Terraform Configuration
- Terraform Commands
- Managing Terraform Resources
- Terraform End to End Project
- Installation of Terraform on AWS EC2 Instance
- Writing Terraform Configuration
- Creation of AWS EC2 instance using terraform
- Managing AWS resources using terraform
- End to End Infrastructure Creation Project.
Prometheus and Grafana
- Overview of continuous monitoring
- Continuous monitoring tools in DevOps
- Installation and Configuration of Prometheus and Grafana
- Prometheus Architecture
- Monitoring using Prometheus
- Dashboard visualization using Grafana
- Installation and Configuration of tools
- Monitoring Targets using Prometheus
- Visualizing Reports using Grafana
Project / Internship (Any)
1. Introduction to DevOps- Overview : Understanding the DevOps philosophy and its significance in modern software development.
- Key Concepts : Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), and the DevOps lifecycle.
2. Version Control Systems
- Git: Mastering Git commands, branching strategies, and collaboration workflows.
- GitHub/GitLab : Utilizing platforms for repository management and team collaboration.
3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- Jenkins: Setting up pipelines, automating builds, and integrating testing.
- Azure DevOps: Implementing CI/CD pipelines using Azure services.
4. Configuration Management
- Ansible: Automating infrastructure provisioning and configuration.
- Chef/Puppet: Managing system configurations and deployments.
5. Containerization and Orchestration
- Docker: Creating, managing, and deploying containerized applications.
- Kubernetes: Orchestrating container deployments, scaling, and management.
6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Terraform: Defining and provisioning infrastructure using code.
- CloudFormation: Managing AWS resources through templates.
7. Monitoring and Logging
- Prometheus: Collecting and analyzing metrics.
- Grafana: Visualizing data and setting up dashboards.
- ELK Stack: Implementing Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana for log management.
8. Cloud Platforms
- AWS: Exploring services like EC2, S3, and Lambda.
- Azure: Utilizing Azure services for DevOps practices.
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Leveraging GCP services in DevOps workflows.
9. Security in DevOps
- DevSecOps: Integrating security practices into the DevOps pipeline.
- Vulnerability Assessment: Identifying and mitigating security risks.
10. Testing Automation
- Selenium: Automating web application testing.
- JUnit/TestNG: Implementing unit testing frameworks.
11. Collaboration and Communication
- Agile Methodologies: Applying Agile principles in DevOps.
- Tools: Using Jira, Confluence, and Slack for team collaboration.
12. Case Studies and Real-World Applications
- Industry Examples: Analyzing successful DevOps implementations.
- Best Practices: Learning from real-world scenarios and challenges.
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates