Software Testing (Automation) Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Software Testing (Automation) - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Automation Testing Syllabus
- Sql introduction
- Sql Datatypes Sql basics-DDL
- DML,DCL,Comparison Operators
- Constraints
- Aggregate
- Functions
- Practice questions
- Joins
- Stored Procedures
- Practice Question
- Views
- Group By
- Having
- Order By Clauses Practice Question
- Introduction to the course
- Java Installation
- Features and JDK
- First Sample Program Data Types and Variables
- Operators Control Statements
- Loops Scanner
- Array Oops - Polymophism (Method overloading)
- Constructor Overloading
- Types of Inheritance and Method Overriding
- This and Super keyword
- final and static keyword
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, Exception, Thread
- Thread Synchronization
- Events Collection - List & Set Collection - Map & Queue Exam - Java
- Selenium Introduction
- IDE Features
- creating script Using IDE
- Recording
- Selenese
- Assert and verify Export Testcase
- Selenium Webdriver Introduction
- Webdriver manager
- Junit
- Locators
- Screenshot in selenium
- Handling Alerts
- BrokenLinks
- Testng and its Features
- Waits in Selenium
- Javascript Executor in Selenium
- Navigation Commands
- Dropdown handling using select class
- Button Text verification
- Radio buttons Actions class
- copy paste using action class
- draganddrop program Double click and right click using Action class
- Mouse Hover Program
- File upload
- File upload using AUTO IT and Robot class
- Cross browser Testing
- Handling multiple windows and tabs
- Handle pops in Chrome
- Datepicker
- DataDrivenTesting
- Extended Reports
- POM Design Pattern Frameworks
- Datadriven framework Maven
- Importance of maven
- Create Project in Maven
- Project
- Introduction to Jmeter
- overview of performance testing
- Jmeter workflow
- components of Jmeter
- Building a web Test plan
- Report generation
- Execution in NON-GUI mode Recording in Jmeter
- Blaze meter plugin Assertions
- Timers
- CSV Data set configuration
- Correlation
- Introduction to Postman
- API testing
- Download and install postman
- Collections
- Request methods
- Collection Runner
- Test script
- Variables
- Data driven testing
- API fetching
- JsonPathfinder
- Openweathermap API
- Newman
- Agile methodology
- scrum
- Introduction to Jira
- Jira issue types
- How to create an Epic/User stories in Jira
- Creating sprints in Jira
- Sprint lifecylce in Jira
- Backlogs
- Creating bugs
- Write Test Cases in Jira with Zephyr plugin
- Jira project flow
- Introduction
- Git installation
- Repository creation in GitHub
- Commands in git
MODULE 3 - Selenium IDE
MODULE 4 - Selenium Webdriver
MODULE 5 - JMeter
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates